kids theater, The A.C.T. - The Acton Cooperative Theater Acton, MA KK/Aristo - Registration

Spring 2023 Registration
Registration is on a first come-first serve basis and your spot is only reserved when both your registration and payment have been received.
Registration Instructions

  • Complete the online registration form below, click Submit. (Be sure to scroll through and complete the entire registration form, and click Submit, BEFORE you choose the Paypal "Buy Now" button.) Please click the Submit button ONLY ONCE! You will not see the "Thank You" unless you scroll back up.
  • After submitting the registration form, Pay with Paypal by clicking the "Buy Now" button. Please note: A PayPal fee of 3.49% + a $.49  will apply to all credit card transactions.
  • OR Pay with Check. Make check payable to The A.C.T. and send to PO Box 777, Acton, MA 01720. 
  • Registration is complete only after BOTH the Online Registration Form and Payment have been received.
Attention: If your child was a cast member in either the 2020 Willy Wonka Kids or 2020 High School Musical Jr. cast, you have a credit on file with us (unless your credit has been mailed to you already).
The Willy Wonka Kids cast members have a $125 credit if you chose the COOP option or a $325 credit if you chose the NON-COOP option.
The High School Musical Jr. cast members have a $150 credit if you chose the COOP option or a $325 credit if you chose the NON-COOP option.
If you are using your credit for The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition, you must pay the difference between your credit and this productions tuition by check and mail it to PO Box 777, Acton, MA 01720.
If you can't remember if you've been reimbursed yet, please email as we have a record on file.


Registration Form
Credit Card Payments

To pay using a credit card, first fill out the registration form on the left and hit the submit button at the bottom of the page. Then return to this page and select the appropriate payment option below. Please note: A PayPal fee of 3.49% +$.49 has been applied to all credit card transactions.
The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition
Credit Card Options

The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition (Co-op)


The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition-(Non-Coop)


Check Payments
If you wish to pay by check, please send either $499 for the COOP option or $699 for the NON-COOP option.

Send to:The ACT, PO Box 777, Acton, MA 01720

All checks must be received in order to confirm your child's enrollment. Audition materials will not be sent out until payment is received.