kids theater, The A.C.T. - The Acton Cooperative Theater Acton, MA Bio Boards

Program Ads/Cast Messages

All friends and families of The A.C.T. have the opportunity to purchase a spot in our program for cast messages or business advertisements. Cast messages can include a picture or simply be a few thoughtful words of encouragement.

This is a fabulous way to support our talented actors and/or spread the word about your business! It also helps defray the cost of the printing. The cost of the ads and the dimensions are listed below:

$60-Full page ad-8x5 (portrait)
$30-1/2 page ad-4x5 (landscape)
$15-1/4 page ad-4x2 (portrait)*
 *1/4 page ads are for cast messages only.

Please complete the form below to purchase a cast message or business advertisement. Text only cast message can be submitted directly in the form. Any cast message or ad that includes a photo or graphic should be emailed to programads@the-act.orgPlease note that you must fill out the form even if you are emailing the ad copy.

Please complete the information below and hit the “submit” button.